The Most Realistic Options for Cleaning Cat Urine

If you’ve already tried cleaning cat urine using the common suggestions floating around the internet, you’ve probably realized many of those suggestions just don’t work.

There are two types of cat urine cleaning tips:

The Useless — Cleaning methods that don’t work at all or even do more harm than good. Ammonia is a good example. This chemical is great for cleaning and disinfecting glass and porcelain under normal circumstances, but it’s a very bad choice for cleaning any surface your cat has wet on.

Because ammonia is a component of urine, it makes the cleaned surface smell just a little bit like cat pee. You may not notice, but your cat’s more sensitive nose will pick it up. Bleach is another. As strong as this chemical is, it doesn’t have what it takes to break down cat urine crystal so they can be cleaned up.

The Specific — Cleaning methods that work only in certain circumstances. Wiping down a peed-upon surface with pure white vinegar can work, but only if it’s a non-porous surface such as glass or linoleum and only if the wet spot is very fresh. If you notice the “little accident” within 30 minutes or so and clean it up immediately, vinegar may be enough. For just amount any other situation, you’ll need something stronger.

Strange as it may sound, certain types of mouthwash, combined with white vinegar and liquid soap work well for cleaning cat urine and removing the smell. This recipe works best on lighter stains and odors, particularly those that haven’t had weeks to set.

Other homemade cat urine cleaners can work on deeper and more, shall we say, “richly scented” stains, but the ingredients will be different.

The Most Effective Solution for Cleaning Cat Urine

If the homemade recipes for cleaning cat urine don’t take care of your problem, it’s time to bring in the big guns: enzyme cleaners. These cleaners can be highly effective if you use them correctly. Use them incorrectly and you may as well be pouring plain water on the mess.

Instructions for use vary with each product, but one thing holds true for nearly all of them: never mix them with other cleaners. This includes nearly everything from dish soap to bleach, and for some even vinegar is no-no. Keep in mind that combining doesn’t just mean pouring both in a container and stirring. It means don’t apply the enzyme cleaner to a spot you’ve previously attempted to clean with another product unless you’ve thoroughly removed all traces of that other product.

Enzyme cleaners contain living microorganisms that can be kill or severely impaired by these harsh chemicals. Dead and sickly enzymes can’t work against stains and odors.

Some of the best commercially available products for cleaning cat urine are:

  • Anti Icky Poo by MisterMax
  • Nature’s Miracle Just for Cats by Nature’s Miracle
  • Out! Stain and Odor Remover by Out! International

If you have a cat who has frequent “accidents” on your carpets, hardwood floors, furniture, elsewhere around your home, do yourself a favor and pick up one of these products soon. That way you’ll have it on hand to clean up any messes as soon as you find them. The faster you get rid of all the cat pee on the stained site, the less chance there is the spot will get smelly again after you think you’ve cleaned it.

Knowing the tricks for cleaning cat urine effectively helps, but ultimately, it’s a lot less work to stop your kitty from piddling around in the first place. This is possible. Even if you have an older, incontinent cat, there are things you can do to save your floors and furniture.

To learn more about correcting your cat’s inappropriate urination problems, check out Cat Urine Problems Eliminated.

The Dangers Of Cat Urine: Why You Must Eliminate Cat Urine Odor From Your Home

Cat pee isn’t just disgusting, it can harm your health, too. The dangers of cat urine aren’t always obvious, though. No doubt you realize that cat urine, like all human and animal waste, carries bacteria that could cause illness.

So you dutifully wear gloves when cleaning up kitty’s “accidents” and while washing the mops, sponges and other items you used to clean it with. ( By the way, cleaning your mops and other items with bleach kills bacteria, but apply bleach only after thoroughly rinsing out all traces of urine with plain water to avoid risk of producing noxious fumes). No problem there. Or is there…?

Man in gas mask to avoid cat urine odor.

It’s easy to assume that once the urine stain and germs are gone, that lingering odor is nothing but a harmless nuisance. Remember, though, that odors are composed of microscopic particles of the thing that caused the odor. So by inhaling cat urine smell, you’re actually inhaling cat urine. Just the thought is enough to make you sick, right? Wait, it gets worse

Ammonia’s Effect on Respiratory Health

Cat pee contains a particularly high concentration of ammonia. Although this is a natural compound containing nothing more than nitrogen and hydrogen, it’s not exactly good to breathe. The good news is that most cat caretakers won’t need to worry about this. A corner of the living room carpet that smells faintly of kitty piddle isn’t going to harm healthy lungs.

The risk occurs when Continue reading

How To Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell On Furniture

If your cats have decided to use your furniture as an alternative to the litter box, presuming you’d rather not throw out all your tables and chairs, you’ll need to know how to get rid of cat pee smell on furniture. The problem, of course, is that most furniture is highly absorbent.

Sure, metal tables and other more industrial-type furniture is easy to clean, but sofas, chairs, beds and other soft items can be a nightmare to get cat urine odors out of. Even wood tables and chair legs can eventually absorb urine and smell. With the right cleaners and cleaning process, though, you can most likely get your furniture stain and odor free.

Cat sniffing sofa

Cleaning Outer Coverings

This method will work for fabric upholstery. For leather, you’ll need a different, gentler method. Start by blotting up any remaining urine with white cloths or paper towels, then vacuum the soiled area with your vacuum’s hose attachment to remove any dust that could interfere with cleaning.

Apply a homemade cleaner specifically formulated to break down stubborn cat urine, such as Recipe #1 in Cat Urine Problems Eliminated, according to the directions.

If you’re planning to use an enzyme cleaner, check that the brand your using wont be affected by your homemade cleaner. If it will be, you can skip the homemade cleaner. Use a soft brush to gently scrub the soiled area with circular motions. If applied homemade cleaner, blot it up with a white cloth. If you’ve use an enzyme cleaner, you’ll probably need to cover it and let it sit for 24 hours. Just follow the manufacturer’s directions exactly. After the waiting period, you can then apply a stronger homemade cleaner, like Recipe #2 Cat Urine Problems Eliminated.

Cleaning Cushions and Stuffing

I’ll tell you up front, trying to get rid of cat pee smell on furniture stuffing might not be worth your time. You can do it, but it could take multiple attempts. Enough attempts and the stuffing might just disintegrate. Pillow inserts and stuffing are cheap. If you’ve already got your upholstery clean, you may want to dispose of any urine-stained stuffing material and buy new inserts or stuffing.

If you decide you want to have a go at cleaning it through, the process is much the same as for upholstery. You can either use an enzyme- or bacteria-based cleaner, a strong homemade cleaner or a combination. You can’t really scrub stuffing, but you can wash it in the sink or bathtub as you would hand-washable clothing.

Cleaning Wood Furniture

Kitty piddled on the coffee table or your great grandfather’s writing desk? If the item has a solid finish, with no cracks, seams, or gaps, you’re in luck. The urine probably hasn’t seeped into the wood, but is only stuck to the surface finish. Cleaning the item with Formula 409 or Orange Oil should do the trick. Applying a small amount of homemade cleaner Recipe #2 and letting it sit for 10 minutes should also remove the urine smell and minor stains.

Blot up the cleaner, then wipe down the item with Pine Sol or Orange Glo, both of which tend to repel cats. If the wood has soaked up large amounts of urine, an ample amount of enzyme-based cleaner might remove the smell, but it might not. If the urine has soaked in too deeply, unfortunately, that piece of furniture is probably a goner.

While these methods can effectively get rid of cat pee smell on furniture, you’re facing an endless, Sisyphean task of constant cleaning unless you stop your cat from peeing on the furniture in the first place.