Potty Training Cats: Techniques and Tips for Effective Training

teacher-cat “Potty training” or “housebreaking” cats is something of a misnomer. In most cases, you don’t really need to toilet train a house cat because the cat’s instincts along with training from their mothers lead them to choose only one place for their elimination needs.

If an indoor kitten is shown that the litter box is the appropriate bathroom area in the house, she’ll use that area and only that area. Of course, certain problems can interfere with the natural order of things and there may be times you need to help your kitty learn to keep her “business” in the box.

Training Kittens

Mother cats typically teach their kittens to use the litter box, so there’s no need for human interference. Sometimes, though, when the kittening box is far from the litter box or the house is full of activity, the mother may not feel safe taking her kittens to the litter box. Instead, she lets them do their business right there in the kittening box where they sleep.

The kittens then learn to pee on the bedding in the kittening box and may continue to wet on your bedding or furniture when they’re older. And naturally, orphaned kittens need a little help from humans to understand what the litter box is all about. In these cases, the process for potty training kittens is similar to the process for adult cats.

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Cat Peeing in the House? Consider the Litter.

Cat laying in litter box dreaming about the beach.The issue of cat litter seems like it should be a fairly straightforward thing, right? I mean, it’s essentially just kitty toilet “paper.” Humans use can choose ultrasoft, scented, flower-printed paper or just make do with the rough, unbleached paper, so why should a cat care what he uses in the the “bathroom?”

Whether or not it’s logical to us, cats do have preferences when it comes to litter. In fact, problems with the litter can be enough to send your cat looking for a litter box alternative he considers better, like the floor behind the sofa or in a corner of the kitchen. So, if you expect your cat to use the litter box, you’ll need to get the litter right.

There’s a Reason There are So Many Types of Cat Litter

Stop by any large pet store and you’ll probably find at least half a dozen types of cat litter available. The most common are gravel-type litters made of natural clay (non-clumping) or betonite clay (clumping). You can also find pellet-type litters made of corn, pine or recycled newspaper. Most cats prefer gravel-type litter, so if you’ve been using pellets and your cat’s been avoiding the litter box, try switching to gravel.

Conversely, some cats prefer pellets because they’re softer on the feet. If it turns out your cat likes pellet-type litter, I have a money-saving tip for you in Cat Urine Problems Eliminated. All litters have their pros and cons and the choice really depends on what your cat will use, not what the commercials say. The only thing I’d add is to avoid using clumping litter with kittens younger than 6 months of age. Kittens tend to ingest litter when they clean their paws and clumping litter may cause intestinal blockages. It’s not common, but why take the risk?

Litter Depth: Finding a Happy Medium

The amount of litter you put in the box is another factor you’ll need to experiment with because different cats prefer different depths. We humans who have to clean the litter box prefer deeper litter because it’s easier to scoop. This is particularly true with clumping litter. To make sure the clumps are easily scoopable and don’t stick to the bottom of the litter box, you may need 3 or 4 inches of litter.

The problem with that depth is that many cats dislike walking in deep litter and won’t use a box with 3 inches of litter in it. If you’ve been adding a lot of litter to the box, try cutting back to just 1 inch. Although this shallow depth may make it harder to clean the box, it’s worth the trouble if it gets your cat to stop using the carpet or linoleum, which is much harder to clean than any litter box.

Note, too, that if your cat is choosing slick surfaces like linoleum floors or the bathroom sink, it’s a good sign there’s too much litter in the box. Some cats prefer just a handful of litter. Yes, that makes the box hard to clean, but again, it’s still better than cat pee in the sink.

Cats Appreciate Cleanliness, Too

With their frequent “tongue bathing,” cats have earned a reputation for cleanliness. Given a choice, a cat would never walk around in his own feces. Although kitties do tend to stick to one area for bathroom purposes, outdoors they’re able to bury their leavings deeply enough that they don’t have to walk through them. And once a spot gets too dirty, they just move on to a cleaner one.

So, if you expect your cat to use the litter box, the box has got to be clean. This means litter box scooping is a daily task. This is not something you can let go for a week or even three or four days. Daily litter box scooping is just one of the responsibilities of having a cat.

Covered boxes, baking soda, and deodorizers may hold down the smell, but they don’t remove the source of the odor. Your cat still has to walk through that poo and pee to use the box and many cats just won’t do it. They’ll look for a clean spot on the floor instead. For this reason, scoop every time the box contains three soilings. Be aware, too, that there are a few picky kitties out there who won’t enter a box with any soiling, so you’ll have to scoop after every bathroom visit (kitty’s, not yours. :-))

If you have several cats in the house, a single litter box can get pretty full in just one afternoon. To make it easier to keep the boxes clean, put out a litter box for each cat. Even if the boxes are side by side, the additional clean space gives your cats a choice besides the carpet.

On the flip side, avoid to over-sanitizing the litter box with strong smelling cleaners like undiluted bleach or citrus cleaners. The smell can keep the cat away from the box. The litter box should smell slightly of cat pee because it’s this scent that tells the cat where the correct bathroom area is.

Putting it All Together

Of course, litter and the litter box overall is just one factor in stopping your cat from peeing in the house. Health and the cat’s environment also come into play. You can solve your cat’s urination problems and get your home completely free of cat urine odors, but the solutions may not always be obvious. Instead of wasting time learning by trial and error, read the book Cat Urine Problems Eliminated to discover proven-effective ways to retrain your cat and regain your home.

Cat Urine Problems: Training or Re-Training Adult Cats to Use the Litter Box

Although training issues aren’t usually a major concern with cats, in some cases cat urine problems may be a result of improper litter box training.

Work with Your Cat’s Instincts

Most cats don’t have to be trained to use the litter box. The exceptions are feral (street) or semi-feral cats who reached adulthood never having seen a litter box and cats with long-standing litter box problems. And even with these kitties, limiting their bathroom activities to one or two designated areas still comes as instinct. Because urinating in random places around the house goes against your cats instinct, its a sign something may be wrong.

Your cat may have a health condition, such as a urinary tract infection, that causes unusual urination behavior. She may be under stress from any of a variety of things ranging from a new cat in the house to noisy roadwork nearby. There may be something unappealing about the litter box, such as the type of litter or the box’s location. If the cat is favoring one spot on the carpet or elsewhere, it could be due to lingering urine odor that draw her to use that spot repeatedly. So, you’ll need to clean thoroughly and totally neutralize any odors to break kitty’s habit.

Health problems require prompt veterinary attention, but there are cheap and easy ways to control stress, improve the litter box and even totally remove cat urine odors. I’ve explained these solutions in detail in Cat Urine Problems Eliminated and the blog also contains a lot of effective methods for dealing with the root causes of cat urine problems.

Use Positive Reinforcement Only

One of the most common litter box training mistakes is treating a cat like a dog. These two animals think in decidedly different manners. Punishing a cat does not work. Cats are simply unable to connect the punishment with their actions. That means the punishments appear to be random acts of aggression. Hitting a cat will only make her afraid of your hands. Rubbing a cats nose in her soiling may make her fearful to let her near you. But it won’t make her stop peeing on the floor. In fact, stress from living with a person she perceives as aggressive and unpredictable may make her behavior worse.

What cats react to is positive reinforcement, or praise. Cats are are all about “What’s in it for me?” When your cat realizes she gets something she likes–attention, petting, tasty treats–for a certain behavior, she’ll continue that behavior. And don’t worry that she’ll stop using the litter box if you stop the praise. After a few weeks, once she’s in the habit, it will be so natural she won’t expect cuddles every time she piddles in the box.

When your cat wakes up from a nap or finishes a meal (times she’ll likely to need the bathroom) carry her to the litter box while speaking to her in soft, comforting tones. Put her down in or beside the box and continue to pet and praise her. You can even feed her a treat. The idea is to build your cat’s good associations with the litter box. You may need to keep this up for a few weeks.

How To Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell On Furniture

If your cats have decided to use your furniture as an alternative to the litter box, presuming you’d rather not throw out all your tables and chairs, you’ll need to know how to get rid of cat pee smell on furniture. The problem, of course, is that most furniture is highly absorbent.

Sure, metal tables and other more industrial-type furniture is easy to clean, but sofas, chairs, beds and other soft items can be a nightmare to get cat urine odors out of. Even wood tables and chair legs can eventually absorb urine and smell. With the right cleaners and cleaning process, though, you can most likely get your furniture stain and odor free.

Cat sniffing sofa

Cleaning Outer Coverings

This method will work for fabric upholstery. For leather, you’ll need a different, gentler method. Start by blotting up any remaining urine with white cloths or paper towels, then vacuum the soiled area with your vacuum’s hose attachment to remove any dust that could interfere with cleaning.

Apply a homemade cleaner specifically formulated to break down stubborn cat urine, such as Recipe #1 in Cat Urine Problems Eliminated, according to the directions.

If you’re planning to use an enzyme cleaner, check that the brand your using wont be affected by your homemade cleaner. If it will be, you can skip the homemade cleaner. Use a soft brush to gently scrub the soiled area with circular motions. If applied homemade cleaner, blot it up with a white cloth. If you’ve use an enzyme cleaner, you’ll probably need to cover it and let it sit for 24 hours. Just follow the manufacturer’s directions exactly. After the waiting period, you can then apply a stronger homemade cleaner, like Recipe #2 Cat Urine Problems Eliminated.

Cleaning Cushions and Stuffing

I’ll tell you up front, trying to get rid of cat pee smell on furniture stuffing might not be worth your time. You can do it, but it could take multiple attempts. Enough attempts and the stuffing might just disintegrate. Pillow inserts and stuffing are cheap. If you’ve already got your upholstery clean, you may want to dispose of any urine-stained stuffing material and buy new inserts or stuffing.

If you decide you want to have a go at cleaning it through, the process is much the same as for upholstery. You can either use an enzyme- or bacteria-based cleaner, a strong homemade cleaner or a combination. You can’t really scrub stuffing, but you can wash it in the sink or bathtub as you would hand-washable clothing.

Cleaning Wood Furniture

Kitty piddled on the coffee table or your great grandfather’s writing desk? If the item has a solid finish, with no cracks, seams, or gaps, you’re in luck. The urine probably hasn’t seeped into the wood, but is only stuck to the surface finish. Cleaning the item with Formula 409 or Orange Oil should do the trick. Applying a small amount of homemade cleaner Recipe #2 and letting it sit for 10 minutes should also remove the urine smell and minor stains.

Blot up the cleaner, then wipe down the item with Pine Sol or Orange Glo, both of which tend to repel cats. If the wood has soaked up large amounts of urine, an ample amount of enzyme-based cleaner might remove the smell, but it might not. If the urine has soaked in too deeply, unfortunately, that piece of furniture is probably a goner.

While these methods can effectively get rid of cat pee smell on furniture, you’re facing an endless, Sisyphean task of constant cleaning unless you stop your cat from peeing on the furniture in the first place.

How To Stop Cats From Urinating In The House

Cats natural instincts lead them to urinate only in “designated areas.” For healthy house cats (feral cats are an exception), that “area” is the litter box and only the litter box.

Mother cats pass this knowledge down to their kittens, so even young kittens usually use the litter box with little coaxing from their human caretakers. When a cat stops using the box or starts using other areas, it’s a sign something is wrong. While our kitties can be manipulative at times, urination isn’t something they use to get “revenge” or attention.

Get to the Root Cause

In order to stop cats from urinating in the house, you need to know why they’re peeing outside the box in the first place. One potential cause is a health problem. Some health conditions cause painful urination, frequent urination, or urinary urgency–all of which can interfere with a cat’s normal litter box habits.

Cats can also start urinating in the house when they’re under stress. What stresses a cat can be very different from what stresses a human. In general, any change in the environment or daily routine can do it. It could be anything from the death of another pet in the household to neighbor’s new dog. It could even be a new piece of furniture, boredom due to lack of attention or your own stress level the cat has picked up on.

The type of litter box, the litter you use, and where you put the box also matter. A litter box set-up that’s inappropriate for the cat can also cause her to avoid the box.

In Cat Urine Problems Eliminated, I’ve detailed the possible causes for a cat’s inappropriate urination (I came up with a total of 11!) to help you pinpoint why your cat is having problems.

Make The Necessary Changes

Your first step should be to take kitty for a vet check up. If she checks out healthy, then cause of her inappropriate urination is likely stress or some problem with the litter box. Some causes of stress you can get rid of. For example, teach your toddler not to sneak up on kitty when she’s in the box. Or if one of your cats is bullying another, get a separate box for each cat. In fact, it’s always a good idea to have one litter box per cat just to head off any territorialism issues.

When you’re not able to eliminate the stress, feline pheromone products or Bach flower remedies can help. So can creating a private hideout somewhere in the house where the cat can, well, hide out with a bed, food and water. As for the litter box, the problem could be location, type of box or litter, the way you clean it, or a number of other things.

Indoor/Outdoor Cats Need Litter Boxes

One thing that must be said is that almost all cats who spend time in the house will need somewhere in the house to go to the bathroom. Unlike dogs, cats won’t let you know when they need to go outside for a bathroom break. They typically won’t just “hold it” until it’s time to go out, either. (Some will, but most won’t wait long.) Instead, they’ll find what they consider a suitable litter box alternative, such as the carpet or a pile of clothes. If your cat’s indoors often, make sure she has a clean, easily accessible litter box indoors.

There are many reasons a cat might start wetting in the house, but they all have practical solutions. Learn more about feline urination behavior and find out exactly how to stop cats from urinating in the house.

Cleaning Cat Urine the Easy and Effective Way

cat-litter-aliens Cleaning cat urine and getting rid of all the lingering odor can be a tough job, as just about any cat care-taker can tell you. Part of the reason it seems so difficult is that cat urine really is more tenacious than dog or human urine.

What works to remove your dog’s or your child’s “little accident” won’t work on kitty’s pool of piddle. With the right tools, though, getting rid of cat urine odor and stains can be remarkably easy and fast. Sorry, though, aliens aren’t going to do it for you.

Finding the Cat Urine

Sure, it’s easy enough to find the general area of the stain–your eyes and nose are a good enough detectors for that. The problem is that while you may find most of the urine, you’re unlikely to find it all. Cats tend to scatter urine onto walls and furniture when the scratch around to “bury” their leavings. These little droplets may not leave a strong odor or visible smell, but they can attract your cat back to the same area to strike again. So unless you want to be cleaning that area repeatedly, you’ll need to eliminate all traces of urine.

Fortunately, there’s a very easy way to find all the cat urine in a particular area. Just turn the lights off and shine a black light (UV light) on the area where you want to find the cat urine. The cat pee will glow a dull yellow or white. Be forewarned, though, that this method also turns up any remnants of other organic stains, such as blood, vomit or other animal or human urine. You may not like what you find. 🙂

Eliminating the Cat Urine

Once you’ve identified all the stained areas, you’ll need an effective cleaner that eliminates all the odor and hopefully does so the first time around. Both homemade cleaners and store-bought cleaners can be equally effective. With the homemade cleaner, of course, you’ll need to collect the ingredients and proper containers and mix up the cleaner yourself. This isn’t difficult and will probably save you some money, but if you’re in a hurry, you may prefer to buy store-bought cleaner.

If you’ve already tried a few basic carpet cleaners or pet urine removers and they haven’t worked, don’t give up! There are products that work well. General cleaners and cleaners designed for dog urine won’t do it, though. What you want is a cleaner that mentions removing cat urine specifically, such as Dumb Cat Anti-Marking & Cat Spray by Life’s Great Products.

Not all of these products work the same way, so carefully read the instructions and follow them as precisely as possible. If you just dump the cleaner on the stain and scrub, you may be wasting your time. For instance, with enzymatic cleaners, you’ll need to make sure there’s no soap or detergent residue, such as carpet cleaner, on the stained area because this residue could kill the live enzymes, making the enzymatic cleaner useless.

By using the UV light method to find all the lingering cat urine stains and applying a proven-effective cleaner, you could be rid of all your cat pee problems in one day. With a particularly deep or wide-spread stain, you may need more than one application even of the best product, but as long as you’re working with a highly recommended product, don’t give up too soon.

You can solve your cat’s inappropriate urination problems and get your home completely free of cat urine odors, but the solutions may not always be obvious. Instead of wasting time learning by trial and error, read the book Cat Urine Problems Eliminated to discover proven-effective ways to retrain your cat and regain your home.

What to Do to Stop Inappropriate Cat Urination

cat threatens to pee on everything Elsewhere on the site, I’ve gone over the main causes of inappropriate cat urination: health problems, stress and unappealing litter box arrangements.

If you have a good idea of what’s causing your cat to urinate in the house, this brief overview how you can manage each of those problem may just prove to you that solving your cat urination problems doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

Keep in mind this is still a very general overview, so I may not have addressed the specific problem your cat is having.

Addressing Health Problems

A cat with a medical problem serious enough to cause straining to urinate, frequent urination, blood in the urine, or suddenly urinating in the house needs proper diagnosis by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Symptoms of conditions that cause urinary difficulties can be similar to one another, so without diagnostic equipment, you risk misdiagnosing and thereby incorrectly treating the condition.

Naturally, treatment varies based on the severity of the condition. Bacterial infections require antibiotics, while blockages may require catheterization. The wrong diet can cause urinary problems, so you may have to change your cat’s food. For example, a cat eating only dry food is at high risk for urinary problems. Because cats have a low thirst drive, they need moisture in their food to stay properly hydrated.

Dealing with Stress

No, not yours, the cat’s. 🙂 But once your cat’s calmer and stops peeing everywhere, you’ll be a lot less stressed, too. If you’ve got a new cat, the new cat and the “established” cats should be properly (slowly) introduced. There’s a specific way to do this so they don’t end up fighting. If a child in the house has been grabbing kitty while she’s on the litter box, teach the child why that’s a bad idea.

Some sources of stress you can’t simply eliminate, like bringing the cat into a new home, the neighbor’s new yappy dog, or overall fearfulness in a cat who’s been mistreated. The cat can slowly adjust to changes, but in the meantime, she may stink up the house with urine. One option for preventing puddles while kitty adjusts is a feline pheromone diffuser. These are scent-free to humans, but they give of a chemical signal that tells the cat she’s in a safe area and can relax.

Reworking the Litter Box Set-up

Most cats are pretty tolerant of litter boxes that aren’t exactly to their liking. They’ll continue to use the box and only the box even if they don’t have their preferred litter type, the box isn’t as clean as they’d like or it’s in an inconvenient location. Often enough, though, something is so “wrong” with the box, the cat avoids it and finds some more appealing alternative like the carpet, hardwood floor or laundry basket.

Sometimes the solution is simple. Make sure the litter box is big enough for the cat to easily turn and move around in. Ideally, it should be around 1.5x the size of the cat, so half again as big as the cat. Uncovered boxes are also preferable to most cats. If you do have a covered box, scoop it daily to avoid a buildup of odors that could put your cat off going in there.

If you’ve been using pellet-type litter, try gravel-type instead. Or vice versa. Give the cat at least two weeks to get used to the new litter before trying another. Once you find one the cat will use, don’t change again. Avoid scented litter, which puts a lot of cats off. Keep the box away from foot traffic and noisy household appliances. There are other issues that can prevent your cat from using the litter box, but these are the main ones.

While you can group most causes of inappropriate cat urination into the categories of health problems, stress, and litter box issues, there are a lot of specific causes that are easy to overlook. For instance, did you know long-haireded cats and declawed cats have special litter box needs?

Lingering urine odor can also cause “repeat offenses,” too, so you’ll need to neutralize all cat pee smell. For a detailed guide to the causes of inappropriate urination and effective methods for eliminating that nasty cat pee odor, check out the Cat Urine Problems Eliminated book.